→ Yt-dlp
# list subs
yt-dlp -F --list-sub
# download subs
--write-subs --sub-langs "fr"
Resulting vtt files can be merged simply by adding content from one into the other.
Peertube hanlde both vtt and srt.
→ Mkv
ffmpeg -i my-film.mkv -map 0:s:0 ~/
The first number is which input you select (0 is the first and only input in my command), second character is what type of stream you select (s is subtitles, a is audio, v is video), third is which stream you select out of those. So like this: -map input_file_index:stream_type_specifier:stream_index So the code above takes the Movie.mkv, then its subtitle streams, then the first subtitle stream. (counting starts with 0, because it's an index.)
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