3D 2D
Sweet Home 3D
→ Elevate floor
- create a wall
- change its dimension: height, thickness
Then the wall is turned into elevated floor
→ Make your own symbols
This script generates a s3sh archive to be imported as a furniture library. Just add your images as png.
echo "# PluginFurnitureCatalog.properties ( "$(date +"%d-%m-%Y") ")" > $ff
echo "# Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks <info@eteks.com>." >> $ff
echo -en '\n\n' >> $ff
echo "# Created by script Create2DSymbols.sh ( "$(date +"%d-%m-%Y") ")" >> $ff
echo "# To update, add new symbols in png-format in plan folder and run ./CreateSymbols.sh" >> $ff
echo "# Requires ImageMagick and zip" >> $ff
echo "# Attention:" >> $ff
echo "# The script resizes (to 256x256, but keeping proportions) the original images and copy the result" >> $ff
echo "# in catalog folder (if ImageMagick is installed)." >> $ff
echo "# The resulting library is zipped and moved (overwriting files with the same name) to ~/.eteks/sweethome3d/furniture/" >> $ff
echo "# Upon restart of SweetHome3D, the library is available. Alternatively, import it from ~/.eteks/sweethome3d/furniture/" >> $ff
echo "# The file name without file type suffix will be used as the symbol name: " >> $ff
echo "# The filename should have the synthax: SymbolName.Information.png" >> $ff
echo "# Alphabetical order following the file names." >> $ff
echo -en '\n\n' >> $ff
echo "description= Symbols Catalog for use in 2D plan" >> $ff
echo "version=1.0" >> $ff
echo "license=Free Art License 1.3" >> $ff
echo "provider=www.sweethome3d.com" >> $ff
echo -en '\n\n' >> $ff
#rm ListOfFile.txt
#cd catalog/
for nn in `ls plan | sort -V`
cp plan/$nn catalog/
echo $nn
{ width=`convert "$pn" -format '%w' info:`
depth=`convert "$pn" -format '%h' info:`
convert -trim "$cn" "$cn"
convert "$cn" -resize 256x256 -background transparent -gravity center -extent 256x256 "$cn"
} || {
echo "Cannot find convert, a member of the ImageMagick suite. The images are not cropped and resized to 256x256."
echo -en '\n\n' >> $ff
echo "convert, a member of the ImageMagick suite, was unavailable when this file was created." >> $ff
echo "The images are thus not cropped and resized to 256x256." >> $ff
echo -en '\n\n' >> $ff
cnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
fname=${pn%.*} # remove everything after the last dot (e.q. file suffix but leave everything else)
fname=${fname##*/} #remove path -> filename
name=${fname%.*} #symbol name
echo id#$cnt=2DSymbol#$name >> $ff
echo name#$cnt=$name >> $ff
echo information#$cnt= >> $ff
echo category#$cnt="2DSymbols" >> $ff
echo icon#$cnt=/$cn >> $ff
echo planIcon#$cnt=/$pn >> $ff
echo model#$cnt=/invisibleCube.obj >> $ff
echo width#$cnt=$width >> $ff
echo depth#$cnt=$depth >> $ff
echo height#$cnt=10.0 >> $ff
echo elevation#$cnt=50.0 >> $ff
echo movable#$cnt=true >> $ff
echo doorOrWindow#$cnt=false >> $ff
echo creator#$cnt=dorin >> $ff
echo -en '\n\n' >> $ff
zip -r $mylib .
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