wetransfert files self-host
It has interessting features such: s3 support, server side encryption (s3 only), restricted access to users, powerfull multi-arch cli.
Equivalent tools:
→ Docker Compose
Use postgres, restrict upload to created users
MaxTTLStr = "0" # 0 : No limit
ProtectedByPassword = true # Allow users to protect the download with a password
NoWebInterface = false # Disable web user interface
Authentication = true # Enable authentication
NoAnonymousUploads = true # Prevent unauthenticated users to upload files
Driver = "postgres"
ConnectionString = "postgres://<user>:<password>@<ip>:<port>/<db>"
→ Server cli
./plikd user create --login <login> --name <username> --password <password> --email <email> --admin
→ Server UI
- generate a token in order the cli client can connect
→ Client
plik --update # init a .plikrc file
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