ide editor


Git Integration

Git reviews

The github/gitlab reviews are painful / heterogeneous. The tool allows to get fetch the PR and review the code easily.

Vim Integration

Vimidea let you use vim within intellij. To my experience, it si incredibly well integrated. Some features are also better integrated. (for examble, readline shortcuts within the comand bar)

Reformat SQL on selected rows


Vim plugins

You can use several vim plugin


Plug 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank'

set highlightedyank

Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
set surround

set hlsearch

Maven integration

Tmux integration

The below configuration allows to:

  1. use tmux as a terminal in idea
  2. share copy/paste between tmux and idea
  3. restore tmux session in case of idea exit/crash

Python integration

  1. install the python plugin
  2. in Project Structure > Facets, Add facet and choose Python
  3. in Modules choose the python module path, and in dependency, Add Jars or Directory
  4. choose the source root
  5. now come back to the Project file listing, and Mark Directory as source root again

Share database sources

React ?

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