ide editor
→ Git Integration
→ Git reviews
The github/gitlab reviews are painful / heterogeneous. The tool allows to get fetch the PR and review the code easily.
→ Vim Integration
let you use vim within intellij. To my experience, it si incredibly well integrated. Some features are also better integrated. (for examble, readline shortcuts within the comand bar)
→ Reformat SQL on selected rows
→ Vim plugins
You can use several vim plugin
Plug 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank'
set highlightedyank
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
set surround
set hlsearch
→ Maven integration
- Refresh a project:
right click pom.xml > Maven > Generate sources and update folders
→ Tmux integration
The below configuration allows to:
- use tmux as a terminal in idea
- share copy/paste between tmux and idea
- restore tmux session in case of idea exit/crash
- create a custom bash script
:#!/usr/bin/env bash # we assume a idea project is associated w/ a unique path # replace dot w/ underscore since that's a special char for tmux session_name="${PWD//./_}" # resume session if exists tmux attach -t "$session_name" || tmux new-session -s "$session_name"
- In idea: Tool>Terminal>Shell>
- In tmux:
# in order to use xclip as a proxy for copy # then idea works w/ tmux bind -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel 'xclip -in -selection clipboard' # Use v to trigger selection bind-key -T copy-mode-vi v send-keys -X begin-selection
→ Python integration
- install the python plugin
- in Project Structure > Facets, Add facet and choose Python
- in Modules choose the python module path, and in dependency, Add Jars or Directory
- choose the source root
- now come back to the Project file listing, and Mark Directory as source root again
→ Share database sources
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