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Dune (by Frank Herbert in 1965) ★★★
Published on: 2024-06-16.
Le manifeste du camp n°1 (by Jean Pouget in 1969) ★★★★&starf
Published on: 2024-05-23.
La zone du dehors (by Alain Damasio in 2008) ★★★★
Published on: 2024-05-14.
Akira (by Katsuhiro Otomo in 1982) ★★★★★
Published on: 2024-01-20.
Le Tunnel (by Enersto Sabato in 1948) ★★★★★
Published on: 2023-08-24.
Faim (by Martin Ernststen in 2020) ★★★★★
Published on: 2021-11-07.
Dune (by Frank Herbert in 1965) ★★★★
Published on: 2021-09-04.
Les nuits fauves (by Cyril Collard in 1989) ★★★★★
Published on: 2020-10-11.
Odyssée (by Homère in -800 av. J-C)
Published on: 2020-09-21.
Les Mythes de Cthulhu (by Alberto Breccia in 1973) ★★★★★
Published on: 2020-09-06.
Le Premier Cercle (by Soljenitsyne in 1957)
Published on: 2020-08-31.
La ferme des animaux (by George Orwell in 1945) ★★★★
Published on: 2020-08-16.
Lettres de prison (by Antonio Gransci in 1947)
Published on: 2020-08-15.
Notre Dame de Paris (by Damien MacDonald in 2020) ★★★★
Published on: 2020-08-05.
Le guide du voyageur galactique (by Douglas Adams in 1979) ★★★★
Published on: 2020-07-15.
Ma vie (by Léon Trotsky in 1930) ★★★★★
Published on: 2020-07-04.
Au service du Maître (by Philip K. Dick in 1955) ★★★★
Published on: 2020-06-20.
Voyage au bout de la nuit (by Louis-Ferdinant Céline in 1932) ★★★★★
Published on: 2020-06-07.
A Descent into the Maelström (by Edgar Allan Poe in 1841) ★★★★★
Published on: 2020-05-31.
Under Høststjærnen (by Knut Hamsun in 1906) ★★★★★
Published on: 2020-05-29.
Alice In Wonderland (by Lewis Carroll in 1865)
Published on: 2020-05-24.
Au coeur du troisième reich (by Albert Speer in 1970) ★★★★★
Published on: 2020-04-16.
Adventure of Huckleberry Finn (by Mark Twain in 1884) ★★★★★
Published on: 2020-03-09.
Midnight Express (by William Hayes in 1977) ★★★★
Published on: 2020-03-09.

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