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Mixing Spark and SolR
The spark-solr library makes it possible to interact with SolR-Cloud - it is not compatible with SolR standalone. It allows both reading and writing within SolR.
→ Reading from SolR
The library implements the export features which is fast to retrieve DocValues enabled columns.
// configure the access
val options = Map( "collection" -> "gettingstarted", "zkhost" -> "localhost:9983")
// use export to boost the retrieval
// choose fields and the query
.read.format("solr").options(options).option("request_handler", "/export").option("fields","id").option("query","id:/.*.pdf/").load.count spark
→ Writing from Spark
.write.format("solr").options(options).mode(org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode.Overwrite).save csvDF
→ Creating JSON from Spark
Many useful sql functions to build json from spark exist. So far, I have been using to_json, named_stuct, map, map_from_entries and concat_map with some success.
Generate a json object with zero to many items, from zero to many rows:
as (select 1 id,'sec1' sec,'a' cont
tmp union all
select 1,'sec2', 'b'
union all
select 2, 'sec2','c')
select id, to_json(map_from_entries(collect_list(struct(sec, cont)))) as t
from tmp
group by id;
-- +---+-----------------------+
-- |id |t |
-- +---+-----------------------+
-- |1 |{"sec1":"a","sec2":"b"}|
-- |2 |{"sec2":"c"} |
-- +---+-----------------------+
Add an element within the resulting object, use concat_map to merge them. By using the coalesce function to replace null with empty map, this avoids the collateral effect of nulls that would result into null in any case (null + x = null)
as (select 1 id,'sec1' sec,'a' cont
tmp union all
select 1,'sec2', 'b'
union all
select 2, 'sec2','c')
select id, to_json(
collect_list(as t
struct(sec, cont))),map()))) from tmp
group by id
-- +---+---------------------------------+
-- |id |t |
-- +---+---------------------------------+
-- |1 |{"id":"1","sec1":"a","sec2":"b"}|
-- |2 |{"id":"1","sec2":"c"} |
-- +---+---------------------------------+
Create nested objects and place them into one parent object. The use of a named_struct allows to nest objects within a first parent object:
as (select 1 as p_id, 'sec1' as sec, 'hello' as cont
secs union all
select 1 as p_id, 'sec2' as sec, 'world' cont),
as (select p_id, map_from_entries(collect_list( struct(sec, cont) ) ) as t
tmp from secs
group by p_id)
select to_json( named_struct('id', p_id, '_childDocuments_', collect_list(t))) as t
from tmp
group by p_id
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------+
-- |t |
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------+
-- |{"id":1,"_childDocuments_":[{"sec1":"hello","sec2":"world"}]}|
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------+
→ Good practice for building json from SQL within spark
Since it is possible to create json elements and concatenate them into objects with joins, it improves readibility to create each kind of element step by step and at the end concatenate them into larger objects. This should not degrade the performance thanks to the spark lazy evaluation design.
As a result, it is possible to begin with encounter information one by one. Sections, then laboratories, medications and so on. Then it is possible to build the encounter by combining all this stuff. Afterwards comes the patient related informations. At the end, it is possible include the encounters as nested childrens within the patients.
By using this design it will be quite easy to enrich any element, or moove some into other, repeat, rename, remove them. It will be also easy to debug. The overall prototype would look like the below steps:
-- encounter labs step
-- encounter diags step
-- encounter sections step
-- patient step and nesting encounters into them
-- good point is: named_struct automatically removes empty fields
as (select 1 as p_id, 'sec1' as sec, 'hello' as cont
secs union all
select 1 as p_id, 'sec2' as sec, 'world' cont),
as (select p_id, map_from_entries(collect_list( struct(sec, cont) ) ) as t
tmp from secs
group by p_id)
select to_json( named_struct(
'id', patient_id,
'birthDate', birthDate,
'_childDocuments_', collect_list(t)
)as t
) from patients
left join encounters using (patient_id)
group by patient_id
→ Limitations of spark-solr lib
- it does not support solr standalone (only solr-cloud)
- it does not handle multi-valued for childDocuemnt yet (fixed with a patch)
- it does not handle two levels of childDocuments yet